Operation Support Subsystem(OSS)

By : Irvando Damanik

Operation and Support System or OSS, is a sub system of the GSM network that serves as the central control of a connection is established. OSS consist of :

  1. fault management, is an effort  to control and to organize a fault or failure in a connection. In other words as the handling and control for a connection established.
  2. configuration management, is the arrangement of the existing configuration in connection architecture
  3. performance management, is an effort to maintain a minimum quality standard created and made steps to maintain the reliability of these connections
  4. inventory management is used to maintain the performance and conduct measures for the connection still works well

The Mobile Station(MS)

By : Irvando Damanik

Is a device used by customers to make a good communication connection, consisit of conversation or others communication services.

Mobile station consist of:

  1. Mobile Equipment (handset), is a GSM device which is on the users or customers who funsinya is a terminal transceiver (sender and receiver) that can communicate with other GSM devices.
  2. Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) or the SIM Card, is an important part in the ME where without SIM Card, the ME can not be used. SIM card is a card that contains all customer information and some information services. Generally, the data stored in SIM is :

IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity), is subsciber numbering

MSISDN (Mobile Subscriber ISDN), is dial number that represents the number of customers.

GSM Architecture

By : Irvando Damanik

Gsm architecture consists of several important components which are interconnected with one another and become one entity. A GSM network consists of several functional entities whose functions and interfaces are defined. The GSM network can be divided into following broad parts.

1.  The Mobile Station(MS)

2.  The Base Station Subsystem (BSS)

3.  The Network Switching Subsystem (NSS)

4.  The Operation Support Subsystem(OSS)

sejarah dan perkembangan ISO 9000

                    ISO yang merupakan singkatan dari International Standardization Organizatin yang sering juga disebut International Organization for Standardization (ISO), berkedudukan di Genewa, Swiss. ISO 9001:2000 disusun oleh Technical Committee (TC) 176. Dikeluarkan pertama kali pada tahun 1987. Dan dalam perkembangannya telah mengalami perubahan / revisi sebanyak dua kali yaitu pada tahun 1994 dan 2000. kemudian diadopsi iadopsi oleh serluruh negara anggota ISO menjadi standar pada masing-masing negara tersebut.


•Tahun 1987 : terbit pertama kali dengan standar

–ISO 9001 : Disain, Produksi, Instalasi dan Pelayanan (20 elemen)

–ISO 9002 : Produksi & Instalasi (18 elemen)

–ISO 9003 : Inspeksi & Tes (12 elemen)

•Tahun 1994 : revisi pertama dengan standar

–ISO 9001 : Disain, Produksi, Instalasi dan Pelayanan (20 elemen)

–ISO 9002 : Produksi, Instalasi dan Pelayanan (19 elemen)

–ISO 9003 : Inspeksi & Tes (16 elemen)

•Tahun 2000 : revisi kedua dengan standar

–ISO 9001 : Persyaratan Sistem Manajemen Mutu (Pendekatan Proses)

KELUARGA ISO 9000:2000                 

•ISO 9000   – Sistem Manajemen Mutu (Dasar Acuan dan Kosa Kata)

•ISO 9001   – Sistem Manajemen Mutu (Persyaratan)

 •ISO 9004   – Sistem Manajemen Mutu (Panduan untuk Peningkatan Kinerja)

 •ISO 19011 – Panduan untuk Audit Sistem (Manajemen Mutu dan Lingkungan)